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Past. Present. Future

Saturday, June 30, 2007

a cv once again

a night in the city feels so good. haha we got to book out early dis week. something dat won't happen again in a veri long long time.

a week into AIT n the days haf been seriously packed. not much (if at all haha) free time these days. its generally quite sian n u tell urself u just can’t wait to get over wif it all n get out of dat place. maybe we’ve gotten tuned too much into bloc leave n haven gotten used to our new environment. possible.

but on the other hand, there r those rare moments when u begin to sense the honor of being called Guardsmen. its just a spark. a flame dat will grow in the weeks to come, when we will finally pass out in our khaki berets n the coveted guards tab.

onli if i survive it all haha...
haf a good weekend.