red tape.
lazy people and a lazy organization.
procedures that can't be bent.
This week was a lesson in inefficiency. its extremely frustrating. it costs unnecessary time and energy. n there are factors that r beyond my control and power, dat makes other pple's problems become mine. on my part, i seriously need to do something about my interpersonal skills.
i find it extremely difficult to coax people into producing results i want. sometimes its not a natural thing to be lucid and accurate in highly stressful situations. how do you compel people to do something for you? how do you bend the rules. i have hurled myself headlong into another brick wall.
my father's advice sounded simple; cultivate relationships . “people buy people”, they like to say. i'm a natural loner, n this seems beyond myself. i feel prematurely compelled to learn.
feeling discouraged and not confident of myself at all.
this week is a week of outfields. won’t b back this weekend.
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